Anterior Hip Replacement

For individuals facing a hip replacement, Midwest Orthopedic Specialty Hospital offers a newer technique that can spare the major muscles surrounding the hip joint. The anterior approach for total hip replacement is a tissue-sparing alternative to traditional hip replacement surgery that provides the potential for less pain, faster recovery and improved mobility.

Muscle-Sparing Technique

This technique allows the surgeon to approach from the anterior (front) of the hip where the hip joint can be exposed under direct vision. The surgeon uses one or two small incisions at the front of the hip as opposed to the side or back. Replacement work is performed between muscles and tissues without detaching them from either the hip or thighbones, sparing the tissue from trauma. Keeping the muscles intact helps prevent dislocations and avoids the pain of sitting on the incision site.

A specially designed surgical table enables the unique positioning of the femur and pelvis while minimizing muscle trauma during hip replacement surgery. During surgery, the table allows the operative leg to be moved giving the surgeon better access in positioning the implant. In addition, X-rays taken during the procedure and computer navigation provide precise placement and measurements.

Benefits of Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery

While each individual responds differently and recovery varies from patient to patient, the anterior approach may result in:

  • Accelerated recovery time
  • Fewer restrictions during recovery, including the bending of the hip and weight bearing
  • Reduced scarring
  • Faster stability of the implant
  • Reduced chance of dislocation